
How to wear white sneakers: styling tips and outfit ideas

With your favourite jeans, an elegant dress or a girly pleated skirt - white trainers are wonderfully versatile and are perfect for any occasion. They have long been one of the most popular fashion basics and should not be missing from any wardrobe. White trainers are also perfect for business outfits, but only if they look clean and neat. So if you're standing in front of the wardrobe again and don't know which shoe to choose - white trainers always work.


Do you have a chic dress at home and want to wear it in your free time? Wear white women's trainers with it - they provide a fashionable break in style and make the look more casual. Stars and fashion bloggers go even further and combine them with elegant cocktail dresses. It gets really summery with white trainers and airy slip dresses - dresses with thin spaghetti straps. The look is even more harmonious if the colour of the shoes matches the rest of the outfit. 

weiße Sneaker zum Kleid


Jeans and white men's trainers are simply inseparable. The cut of the jeans doesn't really matter. Ideally, the trousers should end just above the ankle or simply be turned up. This makes the ankles look narrower. If the classic jeans and trainers look is too everyday for you, go for modern culottes or paperbag trousers. Beautiful jewellery, handbags or colourful laces can be used to create additional accents.


weiße Sneaker zur Jeans

Merino Runners


Don't think you can only wear trainers with trousers - they also look really good with skirts! White trainers are the perfect all-rounder, as they go well with both tight pencil skirts and flowing maxi skirts. Regardless of the length or cut, they add a sporty touch to your outfit. For example, combine a pleated skirt with a T-shirt, a denim jacket and white trainers for a cool casual look. Do you have a date or are you going for a cosy drink with your friends? A maxi skirt in shimmering silk with a blouse or lace top looks particularly elegant.


Whether white sneakers are also suitable for business outfits always depends on the respective company. For the smart casual look, white sneakers are definitely ideal. With a classy fabric pants, a plain-colored blouse and a loose blazer, you can't go wrong. If you like it a bit more eye-catching, go for a trouser suit with a discreet check or striped pattern. Very important: The white sneakers must be clean! Good thing you can wash our Giesswein Merino sneakers quickly and easily in the washing machine.

Weiße Sneaker zum Anzug


Of course there are winter days on which you prefer to unpack your boots, but also white sneakers can be made “winterfit”. Wear, for example, socks with lace or glitter. For the trendy athleisure look, tennis socks are currently fully in trend. If you also want to show ankle in winter, then transparent stockings are a great alternative. Of course, it also depends on the material of the sneakers. Our Giesswein sneakers made of soft merino wool keep your feet warm even in winter.

Merino Shoes

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